SERVE - How to Play Volleyball

by University of Vienna, Centre for Sport Science



SERVE: Smart Education Resources in Volleyball EnvironmentSERVE is an application that aims to provide engaging and interactive learning resources for volleyball enthusiasts of different ages and levels. Whether you are a beginner, an advanced player, or a coach, you can find useful and fun content to improve your skills and knowledge of the game. The application consists of two main topics: „Rules and Equipment“and „Training, Skills and Exercises“. These sections introduce the basic rules and techniques of volleyball, with informative texts, images, videos, and quizzes.Rules and equipment: Learn about the team composition, roles, and positions; the playing field dimensions, zones, and lines; the scoring system and conditions; the rules; the common fouls and penalties; and about the referees and their hand signals. You can also test your knowledge with a quiz.Training, Skills and Exercise: Learn how to perform the essential skills of volleyball, such as underhand pass, overhead pass, service, spike, block, and preparatory exercises. You can watch videos and read texts that explain each technique and training exercises in detail. Furthermore you will find information on athletic training and tipps for designing a training session.In the menu you will also have access to additional functions:eLearning: Visit the online learning platform of the SERVE project. Deepen your knowledge on volleyball (technique, tactics, soft skills, personal development, ...) during various courses addressed to different age groups of young athletes and coaches. Furthermore, collect information and inspirations for volleyball as an opportunity for a future (dual) career path.Website: Visit the Website of this ERASMUS+project, co-funded by the European UnionDisclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.